Tuesday 20 March 2012


This is the evaluation of my final book cover. By doing this it showed what I thought about my final design, if it went well, what I would change if I did the task again, what process I used, and If it was up to standard with professional work.

Monday 19 March 2012

Finished Book Cover - Fairy Playground

This is my finished book cover. As you can see, the process I used to complete my book cover was hand drawn images, painted with water colours and edited in Photoshop. I think it turned out similar to the original plan of my design, but I feel as if I could of improved on my cover if I was more skilled on Photoshop as I didn't have much experience on it.

Wednesday 14 March 2012

Page of drawings related to my book cover.

By drawing a page of images, it helped me get a better idea of the images I wanted to use on my final book cover.

Page of drawings related to my book cover

By drawing a page of images, it helped me get a better idea of the images I wanted to use on my final book cover.

Book Cover Rough Draft - Coloured

In order to help me complete my book cover, I had to draw out the images that would be placed on the front and back of my finished book cover. The process I used to complete these images are hand drawings and then painted with water colours.

Black and white book cover rough draft.

This is a black and white rough draft of my final book cover, by completing this, it helped me know how I wanted the layout of my book cover to look like.

Tuesday 13 March 2012

Production Plan.

By writing a production plan, this helped me keep on track with work so I knew when certain work had to be in for and what work I yet had to complete.

Monday 12 March 2012

Risk Assessment Form.

By completing a risk assessment form, this helped us know the risks and injury's that could occur from being in a computer room.

Sunday 11 March 2012

Images related to Book Cover.

These are images related to my book cover, each image is related to my book cover by either being magical or being related to fairy-tails. I created and edited these images in Photoshop, I over lapped a couple of images to give a better effect. My target audience is young girls, so I collected images young girls would prefer.

Saturday 10 March 2012

Case Study - Nick Sharratt

I researched a childrens book illustrator  and made a presentation to help me develop my own drawings and to give me ideas for my own book cover.

Thursday 8 March 2012


Newyork was one of the first pictures we edited on Photoshop. This helped us develop our editing skills as we learnt about new tools we could use.

Wednesday 7 March 2012

Inky Bugs.

We were asked to paint random shapes with water colours and then draw imaginitive creatures with black ink. This process helped me with my final book cover as I included water colours in my final design.

Tuesday 6 March 2012


By completing this pirate, it helped me get a better knowledge and learn new skills and tools on the program  illustrator.


This piece of work was hand drawn and then scanned into Photoshop so I could practice my editing skills. While completing this task I learnt about new tools which I used to help me complete my final book cover.

Monday 5 March 2012

Book Cover Analysis 3

This piece of work is an analysed book cover. By analysing book covers it helped me get a better understanding of them, and helped me complete my own book cover. On this analysis I included what I thought the process was to complete this book cover as It would help me create my own. 

Sunday 4 March 2012

Book Cover Analysis 2

This piece of work is an analysed book cover. By analysing book covers it helped me get a better understanding of them, and helped me complete my own book cover. On this analysis I included what I thought the process was to complete this book cover as It would help me create my own. 

Saturday 3 March 2012

Book Cover Analysis 1

This piece of work is an analysed book cover. By analysing book covers it helped me get a better understanding of them, and helped me complete my own book cover. On this analysis I included what I thought the process was to complete this book cover as It would help me create my own.