Tuesday 20 March 2012


This is the evaluation of my final book cover. By doing this it showed what I thought about my final design, if it went well, what I would change if I did the task again, what process I used, and If it was up to standard with professional work.

Monday 19 March 2012

Finished Book Cover - Fairy Playground

This is my finished book cover. As you can see, the process I used to complete my book cover was hand drawn images, painted with water colours and edited in Photoshop. I think it turned out similar to the original plan of my design, but I feel as if I could of improved on my cover if I was more skilled on Photoshop as I didn't have much experience on it.

Wednesday 14 March 2012

Page of drawings related to my book cover.

By drawing a page of images, it helped me get a better idea of the images I wanted to use on my final book cover.

Page of drawings related to my book cover

By drawing a page of images, it helped me get a better idea of the images I wanted to use on my final book cover.

Book Cover Rough Draft - Coloured

In order to help me complete my book cover, I had to draw out the images that would be placed on the front and back of my finished book cover. The process I used to complete these images are hand drawings and then painted with water colours.

Black and white book cover rough draft.

This is a black and white rough draft of my final book cover, by completing this, it helped me know how I wanted the layout of my book cover to look like.

Tuesday 13 March 2012

Production Plan.

By writing a production plan, this helped me keep on track with work so I knew when certain work had to be in for and what work I yet had to complete.